Sustainable Live Blood Analysis or Nutritional Microscopy

Sustainable Live Blood Analysis or Nutritional Microscopy Product details

Sustainable Live Blood Analysis or Nutritional Microscopy Product by:
Festival of Life

Sustainable Live Blood Analysis or Nutritional Microscopy is a quick, easy, and very reliable test to screen the Health of your blood and analyse the impact it is having on your present and future health.

It is a unique diagnostic tool that can give you instant answers to your health problems and their underlying causes as well as screening for nutritional deficiencies.

Festival of life presentation is on how this works and exactly what you can find out trough it.

They will talk about the benefits of an alkalizing diet on your blood and why this will affect your vitality as well.

Asa Simonsson and Shirah Slark are nutritional therapists and naturopaths specializing in Sustainable Live Blood Analysis or Nutritional.

Come and visit them for a chat and a quick look at your blood.

Find out the health of your blood and what you can do to improve it.

It is a great preventative tool in your quest for health and vitality - if you miss this demo - Asa and Shirah will be available throughout the day on Stall LOL.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Sustainable Live Blood Analysis or Nutritional Microscopy information and ordering.

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