Eco Pure Planet Recycling

Eco Pure Planet Recycling Product details

Eco Pure Planet Recycling Product by:
Computer Recycling

Eco Pure Planet Recycling offers a server recycling service and decommissioning service to business.

They professionally decommission servers across England using their train staff, and collecting fleet.

Their team securely transport your end of life server equipment back to their licensed premises for their server recycling service, as destroying all Data from any server storage devices.

Their server recycling service is very simple.

• contact them detailing the amount and type of servers you have for Disposal.
• They provide a quotation for the decommissioning and server recycling.
• Then they collect the equipment using their own secure transportation.
• And your server is then recycled down to material recovery level and invoiced accordingly.

Upon the receipt of your server hardware, it is itemised into their system allowing asset reports to be produced for your disposal records and Accounting purposes.

Any hard drives or storage devices are removed and scanned into the system and then destroyed. When the server hard drives are destroyed you are issued with a destruction certificate along with the asset report to show the server disposal items for your records.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Eco Pure Planet Recycling information and ordering.

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