Woodlands Organic Produce

Woodlands Organic Produce Product details

Woodlands Organic Produce Product by:
Woodlands Farm

Woodlands Farm has been farming organically since 1996.

Despite the way of conventional farming being cheaper, we noticed that it has everlasting damage to our soils and more importantly the health of our customers.

Since then, we have been successfully following the Organic Standards set by the Soil Association. We ensure only the best for our soil management and animal welfare. 

The Woodlands Organic Produce brand has been increase in popularity with our community. They know just how much better organic local produce is for them compared to those from conventional farming techniques. 

We promise that none of our products and produce are contaminated with antibiotics is prohibited, anything genetically modified and no artificial chemicals or sprays. 

Our pest control is a natural and Holistic process of crop rotation. We also use Green manure and eco fertilisers to provide fertility and nutrition to our crops.

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