Organic and Eco Menstrual Pads

Organic and Eco Menstrual Pads Product details

Organic and Eco Menstrual Pads Product by:
Natural Products

At Eco Menstral, we're all about not only Organic and Eco Menstrual Pads, but also Washable Menstrual Pads, tampons, sponges, cups and other menstral accessories. 

We are believers of the benefits of Natural Products - esp Natural Toiletries. The wonderful thing about our products is that they are all recyclable and almost waste free. Not only that, but they are also better for you then normal sanitary napkins you get.

An average woman uses over 11,000 tampons / pads during her lifetime. You can definitely save a lot by investing in Reusable and Natural Body Care products.

Our Organic and Eco Menstrual Pads are made in unbleached pure cotton. They are very high in quality and are designed to last for many years. They are made of super soft cotton and are wonderfully designed to be comfortable.

These Eco Menstral Pads are designed to meet needs - they range from light to very heavy menstrual flows.

They all feature a 2 layer, 100% organic cotton flannel base. This is topped with a central pad made with a single layer of ultra-thin breathable nylon and double layers of organic cotton fleece.

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