Heatbank-Thermal Store

Heatbank-Thermal Store Product details

Heatbank-Thermal Store Product by:

Heatbank - thermal store has thermally stratified cylinders which basic principle is sharing the heating fluid to the Energy sources and the cylinder. Unlike a consumable hot water put in to a cylinder, in this heatbank the thermal heat is stored.

The Heatbank – thermal store has heat input source and an under Floor circuits or radiators that serves as the output emitters, they both share the same primary fluid. This is directly connected to the cylinder; hence 100% heat exchange is done.

Heatbank – thermal store features the following:

• can provide heat for both DHW & Underfloor
• adjustable to minimum or maximum as the weather changes
• hard vented Fuel burners are open
• mains pressure un-vented hot water storage
• safe and no legal issues regarding this product
• cylinder is filled with corrosion inhibitor so it's long lasting
• replacement and additions of heat sources can be made per user's request

Heatbank - thermal store really makes sense.

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